by Phil | Jan 21, 2022 | Hike pyrenees guides, Pyrenees, The Pyrenees, Winter
Last week I finally got the skis out and headed out ski touring with our guide David. We’ve had beautiful sunny weather pretty much all January and this day was no different with brilliant blue skies overhead. We headed up to the Spanish-French border at...
by Phil | Jan 9, 2019 | Hiking in the Pyrenees, Pyrenees, The Pyrenees, Valle de Tena
At the weekend Ruby and I headed out for my first hike of the New Year from the border at Portalet. The weather was beautiful – cold but with clear blue skies and sunshine. As long as you don’t want to ski we’ve had brilliant weather over Christmas...
by Phil | Nov 27, 2014 | Snowshoeing
The really warm weather we’ve been having in October and November finally broke and snow’s arrived to the Pyrenees. Gustavo and I chose a great day to head out for the first snowshowing trip of the season. We headed to Pic Peyreget (2487m) just on the...
by Phil | Jul 4, 2014 | Camino de Santiago, Hiking in the Pyrenees, The Pyrenees
Well, the 2014 hiking season here in the Spanish Pyrenees is well and truly under way, and despite the occasional late afternoon thunderstorm, things have been ticking along nicely. Our self-guided holidays are proving to be as popular as ever, with about half of the...
by Phil | Dec 3, 2012 | Snowshoeing, The Pyrenees
Snow finally arrived to the Pyrenees last week so we took advantage of some great weather Saturday to get out onto the snow for the first time this season. Rafa and I headed up to the border at Portalet which is a great place for snow-shoeing, skiing and generally...