Camino de Santiago Articles

A busy June hiking in the Pyrenees

A busy June hiking in the Pyrenees

It's been a super busy start to the season which is why we've been a bit quiet here on the blog page! We hit the ground running (or should we say guiding!) towards the end of May and haven't stopped. Below is a selection of our favourite photo's from our different holidays through June. If you would like to see more of our photos as well as find out what's happening in the area you can find us...

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A great season so far…

A great season so far…

Well, the 2014 hiking season here in the Spanish Pyrenees is well and truly under way, and despite the occasional late afternoon thunderstorm, things have been ticking along nicely.  Our self-guided holidays are proving to be as popular as ever, with about half of the...

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Week on the Camino de Santiago

Week on the Camino de Santiago

Recently I walked a week on the Camino de Santiago northern route from Hondarribia to Guernika. It was a fantastic 6 day hike with great views along the dramatic coastline. Lots of variety too as you pass through fishing villages, vineyards, along sandy beaches before...

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