Wildlife in the Pyrenees – nature guidebook – delivery outside Europe
31 €
Note: this price includes shipping to non-European addresses. For European delivery click here.
An excellent all round flora and fauna guide to the Pyrenees in English and a must for any nature lover. ‘Wildlife of the Pyrenees’ is a fantastic guide with 910 species illustrated.
What we really like is that the guide covers everything with sections on flora, birds, snakes, lizards, insects, mammals, fish, trees, mushrooms and butterflies. There are even a couple of pages on the main livestock species found here so you can now identify the cows, sheep and horses that you see while out hiking too! It really is a great all round guide.
The guide has a clear colour diagram for each species along with it’s English common name, scientific name, icons to describe its habitat and altitudes found and a paragraph of description. The diagrams are very clear and very representative of the subject – I often find drawings are better for identification than photos in guidebooks.
By covering lots of areas it avoids the need to bring or buy separate bird, butterfly, etc guides which is always good when just visiting an area and to keep weight down while on holiday – always a bonus!
Each section is fairly detailed and although not as comprehensive as a complete book on say birds or wildflowers I think most visitors will find the guide has more than enough detail. As you would expect all of the Pyrenean specialities such as Corona del Rey and Oreja del Oso are covered as well as lots of Pyrenean endemics.
We highly recommend this guidebook to any nature lover visiting the Pyrenees – it will really help you identify not just the magnificent birds of prey but also that beautiful little coloured shield bug or bush cricket that you come across too.
The guidebook is 18€ and this price includes 13€ shipping to non-European addresses. For delivery to European addresses click here.
If you are on a Hike Pyrenees holiday you can buy a copy when you are here for 18€ and avoid shipping costs – just ask your guide when you are here.