Fauna & Flora Articles

Spring flowers and exercise at last!

Spring flowers and exercise at last!

We've been able to get out and excercise over the last couple of weeks after a very strict lockdown here in Spain. I've been taking advantage, getting out on the bike with the dogs a lot and preparing a vegetable garden in our field. Everything is so green at the...

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Downloadable Pyrenean animal colouring book

Downloadable Pyrenean animal colouring book

Keep your kids occupied over the bank holiday weekends with our Pyrenean animal colouring book! We've made it downloadable to print out at home. Fun, interesting and educational the colouring book is bi-lingual in English and Spanish - great for adult language...

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Pyrenees butterflies and moths

Pyrenees butterflies and moths

The Pyrenees have an abundance of wonderful butterflies and we enjoy beautiful displays on our hikes throughout the summer. Spectacular large butterflies such as Swallowtails, Camberwell beauties and Apollos are regular sights on our walks along with a myriad of...

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The formation of the Pyrenees

The formation of the Pyrenees

The formation of the Pyrenees is a tale that stretches back over 600 million years, with the tiny Iberian plate being pushed and crushed by the massive African and Eurasian plates several times through the course of history. Our guests are always asking about how the...

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Pyrenees wildflower quiz

Pyrenees wildflower quiz

Springtime is upon us and alas we can't get out to see the first flowers of the seasons in the mountains. We know that many of you, like us, are missing the wildflowers. So let us bring the flowers to you in the form of our Pyrenees wildflower quiz. Text yourself and...

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Already enjoying another great summer in the Pyrenees

Already enjoying another great summer in the Pyrenees

Summer is back in the Pyrenes and there isn´t a better way to welcome it than going hiking. These first weeks of the season we are walking surrounded by white snowed peaks and colourful flowers on green meadows, by semi-frozen lakes and strong flowing streams and...

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Bearded Vultures in the Pyrenees

Bearded Vultures in the Pyrenees

If you’re lucky when hiking in the Pyrenees you’ll see a huge bird flying by overhead with beautiful rusty coloured feathers. If you’re even luckier, you’ll see it carry a large bone high into the sky and drop it to smash it into pieces before landing and swallowing...

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Summer 2019 hiking brochure

Summer 2019 hiking brochure

Our Summer 2019 is now ready so order your copy today and start planning your next adventure in the Pyrenees. Next summer we've a new itinerary - the Canyons of Ainsa - that explores the eastern side of the Ordesa National Park with hikies in the Pineta Valley and...

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New Pyrenees wildflower and fauna guidebook in English

New Pyrenees wildflower and fauna guidebook in English

This superb Pyrenees nature and wildlife guide is now available to order from the Hike Pyrenees website - click here for details. A superb new book on Pyrenees wildlife in English has been published and is a must for any nature lover visiting the Pyrenees. This is...

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