Map of Aragon

Located in the Central North part of Spain, Aragon has almost 48,000 km2 of land. Its 1,300,000 inhabitants are distributed between its Capital Zaragoza that concentrates half of the population, a network of small towns and numerous tiny villages in rural and mountain areas.

The Northern part of Aragon covers the central section of the Pyrenees Cordillera, that includes most of its highest peaks: Aneto (3,404m), Monte Perdido (3,355m), La Maladeta (3,308m), Perdiguero (3,221m), Taillon (3,144m), Balaitus (3,144m), etc.

This pyrenees area of Aragon gathers numerous small and rather deep valleys mainly South-North orientated and of glacier origin.  As this geographical conditions have made difficult the demographic and economical growth over the last centuries, the area shows an extremely well preserved nature as well as an amazing heritage of its reach history.

The Oficina de Turismo de Aragon map is a detail map of Aragon that spots its main sights. Technical note: use the rotate option of your pdf Reader program in order to flip the image and view correctly the map on your screen.

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