If you’re lucky when hiking in the Pyrenees you’ll see a huge bird flying by overhead with beautiful rusty coloured feathers. If you’re even luckier, you’ll see it carry a large bone high into the sky and drop it to smash it into pieces before landing and swallowing them. What is this bid and why is it eating bones?
With a wing span of nearly three metres, the enormous bearded vulture or lammergeier is one of the emblematic species of the Pyrenees. They live in the high mountains of Europe, Asia and Africa but the Pyrenees has the highest concentration in Europe of these magnificent birds.
The Bonebreaker
The bearded vulture is the only bird in the world to live almost entirely on a diet of bones. It makes it’s spanish name of ‘Quebrantahusos’ – the bonebreaker – very appropriate! The vultures swallow bones of up to 20cm. Powerful acids in their stomachs then dissolve the bones and they digest the marrow.
For large bones the bearded vulture circles high in the air above stony sites called ‘rompederos’ – breaking places. They drop the bones breaking them on the stones below and then swallow the broken pieces. There are various feeding sites n the central Pyrenees where the vultures are left bones such as pigs spines by park rangers as part of the conservation program.
Read more about the bearded vulture…
Hi. Came across your site looking for images of bearded vulture after hearing of recent sighting in Derbyshire. I’ve been doing paintings of birds for some time and have posted one on Instagram each Friday during UK lockdown. I would very much like to do a bearded vulture this week and wondered whether I could have permission to work from one of the photos on this site as reference for a painting. This would mean that I’d be painting only the bird in the photo and setting in an abstract background so it would not be a direct copy. Your beautiful image of a side view of the full bird is perfect for this. If you’d like to see examples, they are on Instagram @karo_paintings and on the hashtag #fridaybirdie. Regards, Katherine Rodger.
Hi Katherine,
Glad the recent UK sightings of the Bearded Vulture have captured your interest. Yes, of course, you are free to paint one of our pictures. If you could send us a copy of the painting afterwards we’d love to see it. We’ve actually got an updated Bearded Vulture page on our new blog here: https://www.hikepyrenees.co.uk/bearded-vulture-lammergeier-pyrenees/ you might find some more images that you like there.