Kicking off the 2016 season with a delicious meal in Ricon el Montañes.

Hike Pyrenees, season so far…

We kicked off our 2016 hiking season 6 weeks ago with a superb meal in Ricon el Montañes in Biescas.  Since then we have welcomed, explored and shared the Pyrenees with many new as-well as familiar faces returning for their second, third or even fifth holiday with us!

Lakes and Valleys, 29th May – 5 June.

A superb first week with the early spring flowers still making an appearance. We also encountered some patches of snow which added an extra enjoyable element to our hikes!

Valle de Tena Explorer, 5 – 12 June

This week we welcomed Terry, Cathy and Clare back on their second holiday with us. They along with others explored the Valle de Tena, we even sneaked over the border for a day hiking in France.

Discover Ordesa, 12 – 19 June

The sun shone all week as we explored the Ordesa canyon and the surrounding area. The White Asphodel put on a particularly good show!

Lakes and Valleys, 19 – 26th June

The flowers this week were fantastic and we spent many hours enjoying them. We also found some wild strawberries to sample but the prize find of the week was a beautiful Elephant Hawk moth!

Valle de Tena Explorer, 26th June – 3rd July

We had another superb week exploring the Valle de Tena,  one of the highlight walks this week was reaching the Ibon Azul Inferior high above Banos de Panticosa.

Thank you everyone for your company so far!

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