First walking holidays of the season

Punta del Pacino

The season is well underway here in the Pyrenees and we’ve had a couple of Lakes & Valleys guided walking holidays as well as lots of guests doing self guided walking holidays. We’ve been blessed with some fantastic early season weather with lots of warm sunny days and perfect views.

Punta del Pacino has – as always – been one of our most popular walks with it’s fantastic panoramic views from the summit.

Hiking near Panticosa

Walking in the Valle La Ripera near Panticosa

Ibon de Piedrafita

Following the stream up to Ibon de Piedrafita

There’s lots of water in the rivers and the waterfalls are in fine flow in both Ordesa and the Valle de Tena. The mountains are really green at the moment too after the spring rains.

Ordesa Valley

Views from high up in the Ordesa Valley

We’ve done several walks in the Ordesa Valley and all of the paths are now snow-free and open in the valley. The mirador on the Faja  del Pelay has fantastic views and is well worth the effort of the steep 600 metre climb up!

Lady Slippers Orchid

Lady Slippers Orchid

The flowers have been great and we’ve seen the super rare Lady Slippers Orchid as well as elder flowered, fragrant, western marsh, common, butterfly and ladies orchids. Aside from the orchide the gentians are great at the moment with both spring and trumpet gentians covering some meadows. There’s loads of globe flowers out this year which are very pretty.

We’ve also had good luck with birds of prey and have seen lammergeier, booted eagles, short toed eagles and griffon vultures. The highlight have been the egyptian vultures which have given us several really low fly-overs.

As you can see the Pyrenees are looking fantastic at the moment – if you’d like to come over and see them for yourselves check out our summer schedule – we’ve got availability on most of our weeks this summer.

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