Ophrys Orchids in the Pyrenees

Woodcock Orchid - Ophrys Scolopax

Woodcock Orchid – Ophrys Scolopax

Ophyrs orchids attract male bees by imitating the shape, colour and scent of female bees. Each orchid is specialised to be pollinated by only one type of bee. Read an interesting article on the bbc today about bees cross pollinating different orchids creating hybrids.

We get several ophrys orchids in the Pyrenees. Woodcock orchid (above) and bee orchid are the most common. I’ve also seen insect and early spider orchids. You get more ophrys in the lower and drier regions – they seem to love the dry flysch either side of the Serrablo between Sabinanigo and Biescas.

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Fly Orchid - ophrys insectifera

Fly Orchid – ophrys insectifera

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